Vila Cicicibela is located in Center of Brčko District near the river Sava.With unique traditional style Vila cicibela has made a big bussines succes, and she has made a new standard for modern accommodation.
All the apartments are fully furnished, with all the amenities you need. The Vila Cicibele is situated in a quiet area within a short distance from all services and business centres. We invite you to see the charm of Vila Cicibela for yourself.
It is our pleasure to offer you very atractive apartment with modern furniture .Your chance to choose the best, we have many different apartments for rent. , We hope you will join us and become our guests.
The Place Vila Cicibela gives you the chance to really enjoy your stay in Brèko Disrict,We offer a wide range of accommodation to suit your individual budget and needs.
Vila Cicicibela has everything you need, modern accommodation is just you need and we will care to offer you best hospitality with all the amenities . We invite you to visit our Motel and Restaurant, we are waiting for you!